
华伟电气主要产品有:工业控制柜,电力机柜,不锈钢机箱,不锈钢机柜,镀镀铝锌机箱机柜,铝壳焊接加工,铁路通讯机箱机柜,操作台,非标机箱机柜,美容仪器外壳,风能环保机柜,九折型材机箱机柜、PS机柜/仿威图机柜,电视墙、GGD机柜系列、插箱、U箱系列。华伟电气产品广泛应用于邮电通讯、学校、工业控制、楼宇自控、电力、水利、网络、广播等众多行业。 “华伟”经过多年的不懈努力,在同行业中率先通过ISO9001质量体系认证,并多次被评为“重合同守信誉单位”等光荣称号 。本厂一直以“最高的质量、最低的价格、最真诚的服务”为经营理念,受到合作的一致认可。我们坚信:可靠的质量,良好的服务将为您的创造最大的价值。我们将刻意追求尽善尽美,竭诚为用户提供更加优质的产品,以人为本、以技术为主、以开拓进取的精神达到超越自我,超越同行之境界。

Cangzhou Huawei Electrical Co.,Ltd is specialized manufacturer of case, cabinet and relevant products for electronic devices. The company is located at Chengnan industrial zone, Qingc-hong road, Qingxian, Hebei province. Situated close to Beijing and Tianjin,the company commands prime geogr-aphic location with such express ways running through as Beijing-Shanghai expressway,Beijing-Fuzhou expressway.Beijing-Shanghai railway and Beijing-Shanghai Express Railway.
The company possesses manufacturing building totalling an area of 9800 square meters.With over 100 sets of digital punching machines,plate bending machines,cutting machines and welding machines etc,the company has the capability to satisfy all technical requirements and processing precisions.It can provide the customers with a range of professional services including VI design,technical support,product complementation,engineering design and installation etc.
Huawei shall use its best endeavors to handle market challenges and opportunities.We hope to collaborate with customers for a win-win future.

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